
Relations of Production

生产关系(Relations of Production)系列作品是基于 材料研究-工艺测试 的设计路径产物。

RESTUDIO 从传统造纸工艺中获取灵感,基于对手工造纸程序的分析与重构,通过干预生产过程中的成型步骤使再造的材料获得新的材性及运用可能。项目中所使用纸材料均来自回收碎纸,为确保材料的自然环保可降解特质,我们使用一种生物塑料作为粘合剂,并通过大量对比实验及测试,为材料开发了一套植物染着色系统。

生产关系(Relations of Production)系列材料拥有与表面温和触感完全不一致的硬度及强度,且质量较轻,表面肌理可根据配比进行定制化。

Relations of Production series is the result of a design path based on material research and craft testing.

RESTUDIO draws inspiration from traditional papermaking processes, analyzing and reconstructing manual papermaking procedures. By intervening in the forming steps of the production process, the remodeled materials acquire new properties and potential applications.

All paper materials used in the project come from recycled shredded paper. To ensure the natural, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable characteristics of the materials, we use a bio-plastic as the adhesive. Through extensive comparative experiments and testing, we have developed a plant dyeing system for the materials.

Relations of Production series materials exhibit a hardness and strength inconsistent with the gentle touch of their surfaces. They are lightweight, and the surface texture can be customized based on the formulation.

